
We empower the body of Christ to meet the immediate tangible and spiritual needs of the homeless through a Bag of Grace.

The difference you can make is not in the Bag.

We all want to help when we know there is a need, but many people are reluctant to hand money to someone with a sign on a street corner. A Bag of Grace provides basic but valuable items to those on the street who are truly in need without the risk of being abused. A Bag of Grace, however, is more than just a meal. It is a chance to connect with another person, even for a moment. It is a chance to let them know they are not forgotten or thrown away. Every Bag is assembled, transported, and distributed by volunteers who care enough to invest their time and energy in someone that most people would ignore.

What is a Bag of Grace?

Every Bag of Grace that we assemble has a bottle of water, a Chef Boy R Dee microwaveable meal, a can of Vienna Sausages, a can or cup of fruit, two packages of cheese or peanut butter crackers, two individually wrapped sticks of beef jerky, a pack of Juciy Fruit gum, a pack of eating utensils and napkin, a pocket size packet of tissues, a quart sized zipper bag with 6-8 wet wipes and a card explaining the gift of God's grace and how one can accept this gift (sinner's prayer).

Who Can Participate?

This is for everyone! From kids to seniors, able bodied to those with challenges, everyone can participate and contribute. Children have really been a driving force in this ministry. They just get it. If you see someone in need you help them, without judgement or prejudice. A four year old even showed us the best way to stack the items in our bags so that they stay organized.

The Hearts & Hands

There are so many souls, hearts and hands behind the scenes at Bags of Grace. We praise God for His provision! Read the Bags of Grace origin story to learn more about it’s co-founders.

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